Rochefort 10 “Blue Cap”

MY REVIEW: Very good Belgian Trappistes beer brewed by monks. This a beer I like to sip on for special occasions Score to my liking on a 1 low-10 high scale: 10 Belgium- Quadrupel: Although written records of brewing at Rochefort date to 1595, Rochefort 10 was developed in the late 1940s and early 50s. It appears on virtually every list of the world’s finest beers. Dark brown color. Great strength balanced by a complexity of flavors and firm malt backbone. The bouquet covers a wide range: port wine, leather, apricots, oak, spices – a deeply intriguing beverage. ABV: 11.3% PURCHASE 11.2...

St Bernardus Triple

MY REVIEW: Great beer! Love it! Score to my liking on a 1 low-10 high scale: 9 St.Bernardus Tripel is a traditional abbey ale brewed in the classic “Triple” style of Belgium’s best Abbey Ales. It has a blond to pale amber color with a wonderful head, slightly sweet aroma and the orangey-grassy flavors of hops in the finish. Wonderfully drinkable and surprisingly light (8,0% ABV) PURCHASE 11.2 oz PURCHASE 750...

St Bernardus ABT 12

MY REVIEW: Hands down one of my favorite beers, if not THE favorite! Score to my liking on a 1 low-10 high scale: 10 The St.Bernardus Abt 12 is the pride of our stable, the nec plus ultra of our brewery. Abbey ale brewed in the classic ‘Quadrupel’ style of Belgium’s best Abbey Ales. Dark with a full, ivory-colored head. It has a fruity aroma, full of complex flavors and excels because of its long bittersweet finish with a hoppy bite. (10,0% ABV) Worldwide seen as one of the best beers in the world. It’s a very balanced beer, with a full-bodied taste and a perfect equilibrium between malty, bitter and sweet. One of the original recipes from the days of license-brewing for the Trappist monks of Westvleteren. PURCHASE 11.2 oz PURCHASE 750...